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News and Information Posts
Congratulations to our PTO Members!
- President: Wendy Manemeit
- Vice President: Ned Sawyer
- Secretary: Amber Bosché
- Treasurer: Patrick Florio
- Questions or Suggestions? Contact us at or come to our next PTO Meeting!
Check out the School's Calendar to find out when our next PTO Meeting is!
Check out our PTO's Page to learn more information and ways to help out!
- News
- pto
Groton Public Schools was awarded a Community Eligibility Provision Grant (CEP) that will provide free meals for the entire year to ALL students at our Title 1 Schools; Groton Middle School, Mystic River Magnet School, Thames River Magnet School, and Catherine Kolnaski Magnet School. HELP US HELP YOU AND OTHERS by completing the Free/Reduced Meal Application that will support our school community in the future. Our Food Services Department will have tables set up at Open Houses in September to assist you with the application or you may call them at 860-449-7208.
- Food Services
- Important Information
- New Families
- Registration
- Welcome!
Update 5/13/22
Dear Families and Friends of TRMS,
We collected $204.75 to help African Penguins! This amount will be able to provide food for about 30 penguins. Thank you so much for your donations. We will be donating it to the Mystic Aquarium.
SBAC continued this week. Again, we are just so proud of our students who have really demonstrated perseverance and applied skills to this assessments.
Teachers participated in Professional Development from Teachers College in Vocabulary, Read Alouds, and connecting Reading Comprehension to Social Studies. It was a valuable time for teachers to plan, create lesson ideas and collaborate.
Magnet experiences in school and out on field continued with Grade 1 going on a Field Trip to explore the shore and Grade 2 and 3 had hands-on lessons with Project O working towards their end of year Action Project.
A couple of quick reminders:
- From the NURSE-- If you child has medication at the school, please plan to be picked up on or before the last day of school June 21.
- Sunscreen and insect repellent are encouraged for field trips and Field Day. Please have your child apply it before coming to school. Teachers cannot apply..
Have a terrific weekend!
Jamie Giordano
- EARLY DISMISSAL TUESDAY May 17 ~11:08 for Pres/PreK~ 1pm Dismissal Procedures begin for Grades K-5
- May SBAC Testing continued -Please see the schedule posted to the GPS website under Students and Families.
- FIELD DAY Grades K-2 ~ May 31 (Rain dates are June 7 and 8) ~ Grades 3-5 ~ June 1
- SPRING CONCERT for Grades 4 and 5 ~ June 6 at 6pm (Students in the concert arrive at 5:30pm)
- June 7~ PTO Meeting in the Library at 5pm
- GRADE 5 DARE Graduation and Celebration ~ June 20 at 10:30am
- June 20 – Half Day – Dismissal at 12:17pm – Bagged Lunches will be sent home
- June 21 – LAST DAY! Half Day – Dismissal at 12:17pm – Bagged Lunches will be sent home
TRMS Mission Statement:
We at Thames River Magnet School:
Believe in ourselves, Engage and explore, Learn from each other,
Open our minds and hearts, Never give up, and Grow together!
- Principal's Message
- Weekly Update
We are using a new visitor system in our school to help keep our students and faculty safe while visitors and volunteers are in our building.
When entering our building, visitors will continue to be asked for their ID. The ID will be scanned to create a personalized badge for each visit.
Please note: You will need your ID every time you enter the building!
- Important Information
- Volunteering
Based on input from students, parents, and teachers, these compacts were created to help identify the responsibilites of our families and staff to support the academic development and needs of our students! Click below to see each compact!
- Grade K Family-School Compact
- Grade 1 Family-School Compact
- Grade 2 Family-School Compact
- Grade 3 Family-School Compact
- Grade 4 Family-School Compact
- Grade 5 Family-School Compact
- Family Compacts
Update 2/11/22
Dear Families and Friends of TRMS,
“Learn from Each Other” is our focus this month. It is the “L” in BELONG from our Mission Statement. Monday, we held our monthly virtual assembly to talk about how we learn from each other and how we will learn more about how we can help our Earth by recycling and repurposing. Grade 5 peer leaders showed how they could use scrap paper to make origami or to draw or to use it for solving problems while doing Dreambox. Ms. Emma explained how we will be using the larger recycling bins to put our now one streamed recycling from the classrooms to the hallway bins. Mr. Sabilia also helped with providing information about how many trees we are cutting down to make paper and why it is important to recycle. Mr. Schneider and Mr. Ferraro along with students from our Chorus led the school in two songs. It was excellent to sing the songs “I Reduce My Carbon Footprint” and “Don’t Be a Litterbug!”
More exciting news about our outdoor spaces! We met with Callie from Project O and a contractor to mark off the area we will be putting our covered pavilion to start our outdoor learning space. We are hoping to have it completed by then end of April for our Earth Day celebration. We will continuously be expanding with garden beds, a compositing system and a rain barrel. We will have a kiosk with an outdoor white board for outdoor lessons and incorporate a Story Walk throughout the campus.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Jamie Giordano
· February 15 - Early Dismissal
· February 15 – PTO meeting 5pm
We at Thames River Magnet School:
Believe in ourselves, Engage and explore, Learn from each other,
Open our minds and hearts, Never give up, and Grow together!
- Principal's Message
- Weekly Update
Update 2/4/22
Dear Families and Friends of TRMS,
Although it was a short week, it was filled with fun and new learning!
Project O was at TRMS for Grade 2 and Grade 3. Grade 3 had a follow-up to extend student learning about eelgrass and the importance it plays with our environment. Students created eelgrass models to see the effect it has when not in the sand of the ocean floor and then when embedded into the sand. Students observed the effect of the water with different variables as well as learned specific “enemies” to eelgrass such as boats, human feet, geese to names some. Grade 2 learned about the effects of weather and erosion upon our land. They did an experiment with a relief map to demonstrate the effects of rain upon our environment.
We celebrated Twos-day, Groundhog Day, and National Read Aloud Day! Students had fun wearing tie-dyed shirts, dressing as twins, wearing neck ties.
Planning has begun for Read Across America Week happening in March, and we are excited for Monday as we will be moving into L in BELONG of our Mission – Learn from each other! We will be expanding our recycling program and learn different ways to repurpose recycled items.
Have a nice weekend!
Jamie Giordano
· February 15 - Early Dismissal
· February 15 – PTO meeting 5pm
- Principal's Message
- Weekly Update
- News
Topic: Mental Math Games with Kids Practicing mental math strategies with your kids can be a great way to pass time in the car, on walks, or anywhere on the go! Kids of all ages can benefit from this added practice, and can have fun when it’s made into a game! In the lower grades, students are focusing on building number sense with addition and subtraction. Try creating your own problems for them to solve, increasing the difficulty and size of the numbers used as they get older. One fun game is to start with a smaller addition problem, and then build all the way until you reach 100! Or, start with 100 and have them subtract numbers until they reach 0. An example of what this could look like is below. Adult: What’s 8 + 8? Child: 16 Adult: What’s 16 + 5? Child: 21 Adult: Solve 21 + 10. Starting in Third Grade, students should become more comfortable adding two digit numbers mentally by breaking them apart. For example, if you ask them to add 42 + 19, they will likely use place value strategies to solve. Ask them to talk through how they solve it! Likely, they may add their ones (9+2=11) and their tens (40 + 10 = 50) and then put their sums together (11 + 50 = 61) to arrive at the answer. They should continue to work on subtraction skills as well, and can do so with two digit numbers as well. Third grade is also when multiplication and division are introduced for the first time. Third and Fourth Graders should be comfortable with all of their multiplication and division of basic facts through 12, so quiz them on those to help them increase their fluency with them! By Fifth Grade, many students can solve some two digit multiplication mentally by breaking apart. Multiples of ten are a great place to start with this. Solve 40 x 16. 40 x 10 = 400 and 40 x 6 = 240, so if you add those products together, 40 x 16 = 640. The suggestions above are just guidelines of what students may be working on in a given grade level. However, it is always best to reach out to their individual teacher for suggestions for the particular level they may be working on. Classroom teachers can give great suggestions about mental math they may want you to work on with your child. No matter what type of math you are doing, always encourage your child to explain their strategies. Make it fun for them and always remain positive to help build their confidence in math! |
- Math Corner
- Important Information
- News
Students have access to e-books and audiobooks through Sora. Students simply click the link, log in with their Groton Google account and they have access to a whole collection of reading material. Additionally, accounts can be linked to the Groton Public Library's digital book collection to open access to thousands of more titles! Happy reading!
- Library
- News
- Blue Ribbon
- News