Our Theme
Thames River Magnet School
Environmental and Marine Sciences Theme
Click here to watch a visit to TRMS from Channel 8- What's Right About Our School.
TRMS students will engage in daily instruction in all core content areas combined with an environmental/life/marine sciences focus. As our learning and exploration grows, students will have access to hands-on opportunities to investigate and connect with life outside the classroom and school community through hands-on research and fieldwork exploration in our local area.
Opportunities Students Will Enjoy:
- Outdoor lessons in a community garden Greenhouse with composting and rain barrels.
- Indoor hydroponics and/or aquaponics
- Aquariums with fresh and salt water living animals and plants
- Green Team and Recycling Program.
- Enrichment throughout the year to connect the various themes through Art and Technology
Click Here to Learn More About TRMS, our theme and exciting programs and partners!
Thames River Environmental and Marine Sciences Magnet School
Community Link - Groton School Building Program Facebook Page.
Seedlings for our Garden Beds during the Earth Day Celebration
About the NESS SEA
Americorps Program at TRMS
The NESS SEA (STEM Education Ambassador) AmeriCorps Program uses national service to engage the students in STEM-based ocean adventure learning.
NESS's mission is to empower students with a love of learning through ocean-based experiential programs that serve schools, teachers, and families. Through a combination of grade level appropriate Classroom Expeditions, GrotonField Expeditions, and NESS Field Expeditions students are encocuraged to become part of a community of ocean adventure learning that builds excitement and enjoyment around learning.
NESS programs have also been developed with the school science curriculum in mind to make the learning relevant and meaningful, while supporting our classroom teachers.
NESS SEA AmeriCorps Members serve to:
- Actively ENGAGE students to learn by seeing and doing.
- CREATE innovative STEM curriculum through collaboration with teachers.
- PROVIDE student support through tutoring and mentoring.
- EMPOWER students to discover their personal best by facing new challenges.
- SHARE enjoyment of the sea and teach its science with students from all backgrounds.
- ENCOURAGE students to respect and preserve their natural environment and community
In addition to the classroom and field expeditions, NESS also provides daily classroom support for students in the schools, as well as summer programs. The NESS SEAAmeriCorps members work with staff and teachers in the school system best serve theneeds of the community, while providing a positive role-model for the students. Members mentor students and encourage students to set goals, work as a team, communicate effectively, rely on themselves, be leaders, and motivate themselves and their peers. Members model positive self-esteem and self-confidence and encourage students to trynew things, learn sailing and small boat handling skills, aspire for college and a career, havepride in work, value learning and education, and have positive feelings about themselves.
The NESS SEA AmeriCorps program is a proud member of the AmeriCorps National Service Network. The program is supported by the Connecticut Commission on Community Service, a partnership between the Corporation for National and Community Service and the Connecticut Department of Higher Education.
NESS brings an Opti for students to simulate Sailing in our Magnet Room
All NESS programs are fueled by NESS’s four core values of inclusiveness, experiential learning, personal growth, and stewardship, and will allow students to gain not just STEM-based knowledge and understanding, but also develop important socio-emotional skillssuch as self-control, communication, confidence, perseverance, and teamwork. Programs are aligned with grade level appropriate STEM curriculum, Next Generation Science Standards, and the Ocean Literacy Principles.
Thames River Grade 5 students used eco-friendly paint to beautify and educate the school community about storm water runoff prevention. The design they painted onto the storm drains helps to remind us that the water going into the storm drains ends up in our local rivers and streams effecting the animals and environment. Students are learning ways to prevent storm drain pollution.
Project Oceanology and TRMS
The Marine Educators at Project Oceanology are partnering with the teachers at Thames River Magnet School for an exciting new program full of hands-on, STEM-focused learning experiences.
This project-based learning is fun, and engaging! Students learn out on the water of Long Island Sound, on the shore, in the laboratory, and in the classroom. Students and teachers from each grade level work closely with a Project Oceanology Marine Educator all year on a long-term, collaborative project that supports the Thames River Magnet school's curriculum and its focus on environmental, marine, and life sciences.
Kindergarten - Stayin' Alive
Students will learn what ocean animals need to survive through observations in the laboratory, a trip to the rocky intertidal, and a classroom aquarium project.
Grade One - Nature Inspired Designers
Students will find inspiration in nature! We will visit the rocky intertidal to learn about the organisms that live there.
Grade Two - Erosion Engineers
Students will develop their engineering skills while they become empowered as watershed stewards!
Grade Three - Eelgrass Explorers
Students will investigate eelgrass meadows and the animals that lie in them!
Grade Four - Energy Engineers
Students will learn about energy and energy transfers as they design wind turbines!
Grade Five - Long Island Sound Stewards
Students will participate as ocean scientists in a research vessel expedition in Long Island Sound!