Welcome to Thames River Magnet School where we work every day towards accomplishing our school’s Mission Statement of BELONG (Believe in yourself, Engage, and Explore, Learn from each other, Open our minds and hearts, Never give up, and Grow Together).
- Jamie Giordano, Principal of Thames River Magnet School
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year at Thames River Magnet School!
Welcome back to Thames River Magnet School! We are so excited and eager to have everyone back together sharing their summer adventures, making new friends, and creating new learning experiences that connect to environmental and marine sciences.
This year we are thrilled to have a Project Oceanology Educator at TRMS on Tuesdays and Thursdays to teach our students engaging, hands-on lessons. Grade levels will be rotating through nine weeks sessions twice a year the Project O Educators in addition to action projects and going on field trips related to the projects. We continue to partner with New England Science and Sailing (NESS) with which students will be going on field trips and learning from a NESS educator who will come to TRMS to teach a class related to their grade specific topic area.
Students will experience two new Enrichment classes this year as well. We have added "Medi-Art" being co-taught by Ms. Fargo and Mrs. Kohary and "Music Around the World" with Ms. Mitchill. We will continue to get students outside in the gardens and trails with "Nature Time" with Ms. Rotner. Additionally, Mrs. Hynes and Mr. Carter will be co-teaching Health this year and adding movement into Health lessons.
Our first PTO meeting is September 10th at 5pm. We hope you might consider joining PTO and/or willing to volunteer for various events as PTO does so much for our school. If you are interested in learning more, please email the PTO at: thamesriverpto@gmail.com. All are welcome!
ParentSquare will continue to be our main source of communication. Teachers will use it for classroom happenings. Our School Secretaries and I will be sending posts, emails, and alerts in the form of text messages, emails, and/or phone calls to make sure you are up-to-date on school happenings. Teachers will also use it for surveys and sign-ups for conferences and volunteering opportunities. Additionally, please take a moment to complete the Arrival/Dismissal survey so that we know your child's plan. https://www.parentsquare.com/feeds/35679741
Thank you in advance for all of your support in helping to make this year one of the best at Thames River Magnet School! We hope to see you tomorrow at our Meet and Greet at 10:30 to 11:30am to visit your child's teacher and see their classroom.
Jamie Giordano, Principal
Ada Allen, Assistant Principal
Amber Monahan, Assistant Principal
Safety, Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures