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The Thames River Magnet School's Parent-Teacher Organization would like to invite you to attend our monthly meetings which are posted on the TRMS Calendar located on the TRMS website and monthly newsletter. There are no membership fees – every parent/guardian with a child enrolled at Thames River is automatically a member of the PTO as are all of the staff members. Parents are always needed to volunteer in many ways throughout the school year. (See Volunteer Program) The Thames River PTO is always looking for new ideas, events, activities and fund-raising. Please plan to attend the monthly PTO meetings and help Thames River students be the best they can be.

Some of the activities/ events that the Thames River PTO will sponsor include: Book Fairs, Roller Skating Parties, “Boxtops for Education” (an all year program), Family Math Games Night, Family Reading Night, Fundraisers, T-Shirts for Field Day, Children’s Authors, and Thames River Sportswear Sale!  


PTO Members:

  • President: Wendy Manemeit
  • Vice President: Ned Sawyer
  • Secretary: Amber Bosché
  • Treasurer: Patrick Florio
  • Contact us:

PTO News

Thames River Turtle Logo

Congratulations to our PTO Members!

  • President: Wendy Manemeit
  • Vice President: Ned Sawyer
  • Secretary: Amber Bosché
  • Treasurer: Patrick Florio
  • Questions or Suggestions? Contact us at or come to our next PTO Meeting! 

Check out the School's Calendar to find out when our next PTO Meeting is!

Check out our PTO's Page to learn more information and ways to help out!

  • News
  • pto